
Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Call of the Dark

Welcome, my furry friends, and welcome. Gather round, my children. Do not fear my faded fur and the glimmer of my pelt - I have seen the darkest ages of the warriors to the start of the forest, and to the point of no return. I see the stare of your eyes, to longingly search my heart for comforting  words, your pupils wide with worry. Do not fear the dark, or shy away from your troubles. Now forget my puzzling words, scratch my poor manners for barging in on your journey. I have seen your ways, the ones before you, and have etched the marks of your past like the claws of the darkest ages. Ah, do I see a spark of exploration, of curiosity in your tiny eyes? I see you want to know the secrets I behold for you. I have one question...... Would you come with me to face your past..... I will teach you to hunt, to believe, to live, to survive, to be a warrior. When StarClan calls..... Will you answer?